Today marked the official start of construction for two new barns at the University of Vermont Miller Research complex. One barn will be used for research, the other for instructional use by the CREAM program (Cooperative for Real Education in Agricultural Management). This is the first phase of a three-phase $10 million upgrade of the farm. Tom Vogelmann, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences says a lot has changed since the old facility was built back in the 1960s, including the size of the cows. They have been bred to be 30 percent larger than they were 40 years ago. And more space will allow the program to grow. With agriculture becoming increasingly important, the university would like to see the farm complex become the “farm for the future.” One of the challenges for modern farms will be to become as energy-efficient as possible, Vogelmann said. The new barn will be built with a goal to become energy neutral down the line. The new barns will be structurally equipped for solar panels, to be added at a later time, and they’re looking at methane digesters to create bio-gas. DEW Construction Corp. was hired as general contractor for the project and S2 Architecture is providing architectural services. The project is slated for completion in September of this year.
Current Projects
118 Prospect Street Flyby
Check out this flyby of our 118 Prospect Street Office Building Project in White River Junction, VT.
Quail Ridge Senior Housing Flyby
Check out this flyby of our Quail Ridge Senior Housing Project in Lebanon, NH.
Busy but Rewarding Summer!
The DEW | MacMillin Business Development and Estimating teams have been busy putting together proposals for projects throughout Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts. We are happy to announce the following project awards! Bayer MaterialScience Expansion Project, Whately, MA CM | $8.5M | Start Date: January 2015 Mast Landing Senior Apartments, Dover, NH CM | $8M | Start Date: November 2014 Quail Ridge Senior Housing, West Lebanon, NH GC | $7.4M | Start Date: July 2014 Safford Commons, Woodstock, VT GC | $6.4M | Start Date: October 2014 Quechee Lakes Recreation Space & Pool, Queechee, VT CM | $5M | Start Date: September 2015 Farrell Distributing Expansion and Renovation, Colchester, VT CM | $4M | Start Date: April 2015 Holyoke Community College Center for Health Education, Holyoke, MA GC | $3.5M | Start Date: October 2014 Keene YMCA – Phase 1: Locker Room Renovation; Phase 2: Addition & Renovation Keene, NH CM | $3.5M | Start Date: October 2015 Windham & Windsor Housing Trust Portfolio Enhancement Projects Brattleboro & Putney, VT GC | $2.9M | Start Date: October 2014 Twin Pines Housing Trust Scattered Sites, Hartford, VT CM | $2.6M | Start Date: October 2014 Grand Isle Fire Station Facility, Grand Isle, VT CM | $1.5M | Start Date: November 2014 Barre Street Apartments, Montpelier, VT CM | $1.3M | Start Date: September 2014 Narragansett Regional Middle-High School Biomass Boiler, Baldwinville, […]
Keene State Intern at Cheshire County Courthouse Construction Site
Hayley Kenyon, a Keene State College senior, has spent the past three months working as an intern at the construction site for the new Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene, NH. She spent two mornings a week on site, working alongside Rick Bushway, MacMillin’s Superintendent. Kenyon and Bushway made brief but regular visits to MacMillin’s headquarters, and recently we had the opportunity to ask some questions. Name: Hayley Kenyon Hometown: Exeter, RI Keene State College Coursework: Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Architecture, 2014. What made you decide to do an internship at a construction site? I took two courses in construction management during my junior year and my teacher suggested that he could help me find an internship. I wanted to connect what I was learning in the classroom to real-life experience and knew I had to take advantage of the opportunity. I was given a choice of working on-site at the Courthouse or with a group still in the planning and preconstruction phase and chose the Courthouse even though I knew it would mean some cold mornings. What did you think you might learn? In my commercial construction classes we studied architectural drawings and how they are translated by the trades on-site. There are often disconnects between what is shown on the paper and what needs to be built. I saw some examples of how easy it is for […]