Michael Canavan is DEW’s 2013 Safety Superintendent of the Year. Currently Mike is the head Superintendent of DEW’s Barre City Place job in Barre, Vt. In July of 2013, Barre City Place received SHARP (Safety Health Achievement Recognition Program) status from the Vt. Department of Labor in conjunction with federal OSHA. The benefits of SHARP status are many and Mike’s dedication to safety through comprehensive orientations laid the ground work in receiving this recognition. DEW employees Gordon Newman, Jordan Armstrong, Richard Furman, John Krezinski, as well as numerous subcontractor foremen on the job, nominated Mike. “Mike takes the safety on his projects very seriously. Mike worked very hard to get the SHARP flag on Barre City Place and he was very proud of gaining that honor. His work didn’t stop there. He has continued to stay on top of safety at Barre City Place to make this job the safest I have seen. Mike and Gordon (Rick) Newman have put in many hours and they both deserve the honor of Safety Employees of the Year.” –Jordan “Mike conducts Safety Field Orientations otherwise referred to as an SFO. Any and all new workers meet with Mike within the first day or two on the jobsite and receive this training for at least 60 minutes. The SFO training informs the workers of what is expected of them on the jobsite. Because of Mike’s commitment to […]