DEW Construction Corp., a leader in educational facility construction, has been awarded two renovation/addition projects for The Lake Champlain Waldorf School in Shelburne, VT. The project consists of relocating their Charlotte, VT high school campus to the existing American Morgan Horse property in Shelburne, VT, and will include extensive renovations to the 16,500 square foot […]
Current Projects
DEW hired as Construction Manager for new Jay Peak Stateside Base Projects
DEW has been hired by Jay Peak Resort to manage and construct three new projects to be located near their Stateside Base – a Recreation Center, 84 residential cottage units, and the first phase of the Snowline Medical Center. The Stateside Recreation Center is a +/- 15,000 square foot building consisting of Clip ‘n Climb […]
DEW Selected as General Contractor for New Rowe Elementary School
DEW Construction Corp., a leader in educational facility construction, has been awarded the new 20,865-square-foot Rowe Elementary School project in Rowe, MA. The project was awarded through DCAMM (State of Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance) for the Rowe Elementary School District. The new school will be similar in size to the former […]
DEW Awarded Brattleboro Police/Fire Facilities
DEW Construction Corp. was selected by town representatives in Brattleboro, VT to serve as the Construction Manager for the renovations and additions to Police/Fire Facilities. This project consists of approximately 12,200 sf of renovations and a 12,000 sf addition at the Central Fire Station; 1,600 sf of renovations and a 1,900 sf addition at […]
Twin Valley Middle/High School Breaks Ground
Whitingham, VT -A Groundbreaking Ceremony was held on August 2, 2013 for the new consolidated Twin Valley Middle/High School. Senator Peter Galbraith joined members of the School Board, the Building Team and students for the event, commenting, “One of our goals is to encourage consolidation,” noting that it would improve costs to the community and […]