The Kimball Union Academy Barn Relocation project in Meriden, NH, is wrapping up! Phase one of this two-phase project included dismantling the existing 1800s barn to salvage its beautiful timber frame. The project’s second phase included moving the 1,400-square-foot timber frame down the hill near the school playing fields to a new foundation, covering it with structural insulated panels (SIP’s), and completing the core and shell. Future phases will involve restoring the interior portion of the barn to house the post office and locker rooms for the Academy. DEW’s own field forces completed 50% of this project, including reassembling the historic timber frame and installing the roof and the siding.
Founded in 1813, Kimball Union Academy (KUA) is one of the oldest boarding schools in the nation. The “Kimball Barn,” also known as “Daniel Kimball’s Sheep Barn,” was donated by the late Daniel and Hannah Kimball, who used it as a milk cattle and hay barn in the late 1800s. In 1815, Daniel Kimball gifted KUA six thousand dollars and promised the school the larger portion of his property at the time of his death. After the death of her husband, Daniel, Hannah continued to take an active interest in the Academy for many years. She also played a crucial role in establishing the KUA Female Department in 1840.

Over the years, KUA has used the barn for various purposes. It was originally merely a storage barn. Then, in 1952, it was cleaned up and turned into a snack bar for students during the school year and a place for the Gordon Research Conference participants to mingle and relax after their afternoon and evening conferences over the summer. It then housed the housekeeping and facilities personnel. And ultimately, prior to its present relocation and restoration, administrative offices.
This 1,400-square-foot structure contains a lot of history, and we are proud to be a part of restoring it. A big thank you to Hunter Ulf from Kimball Union Academy, Engineering Ventures, and Foard Panel. It was a pleasure teaming up with you on this unique project.
Building What Matters Most.